Home Hydrogen Showroom
Get a first-hand look at the showroom created in the basement of HomeOne, featuring everything you need to know about Home Hydrogen and how it works.
Given the uniqueness of the first-ever Hydrogen-heated home, HomeOne, Qualico and ATCO partnered to build out a showroom like no other. The basement in HomeOne feels more like a museum than a home basement, all with good reason.
Here, you are able to walk around the room and discover everything you need to know about Home Hydrogen and the future of hydrogen as an energy source. Doors, wheels, and hidden features are all interactive, each with a unique story to tell about hydrogen for home heating.
Walking into the furnace room in HomeOne may seem like just another furnace room, but this is the first of its kind. Here, the Gradient Thermal "syncFURNACE” is in action heating the home, thanks to the proprietary technology developed right here in Alberta, which allows this furnace to be converted to use Hydrogen instead of Natural Gas. Another perk, it takes up much less space than a traditional furnace and water heater, given this furnace has built-in tankless water heating.